Hello! When I start my computer, it asks me to activate Windows, I don't have
25-number key and I don't know what to do, please help me
25-number key and I don't know what to do, please help me
Hello! When I start my computer, it asks me to activate Windows, I don't have
25-number key and I don't know what to do, please help me
I don't have a sticker with this code, is it possible to do something else
without this key, can microsoft give me another key?
Pasha said:Hello! When I start my computer, it asks me to activate Windows, I don't have
25-number key and I don't know what to do, please help me
* Leythos said:If you don't have a key, then you don't have a legit copy of XP unless
it was installed by the company you work for that also provided you with
a Volume license....
Well thats not necessarily true, I have a legal windows machine here but
have no idea where the key code is having moved multiple times since
building the machine. That being said I do suspect the OP is running a
"back up" copy of windows.