You can select Activate by Phone, and you can call Microsoft and they will
get you back up and running in about 5 minutes. Vista only allows you to
activate over the internet once. This has caused a lot of issues and
confusion with people, and is my #1 complaint with Vista. But, the phone
call will get you activated and back up and running at no cost.
Dustin, I really don't know what your problem is:
1) You say "Vista only allows you to activate over the Internet once."
This is oviously misspoken, since I myself have activated via the
Internet several times so far.
2) If a non-existent policy is your "#1 complaint", I advise you to
throw your belief out the window, and come over to the side of the
However, you are correct about the phone call.
Just so others will know what is really happening when they receive
this error:
If you receive an error stating that you are unable to activate your
OS because you are already using it, it is for a simple reason:
As far as the Activation server knows, you HAVE already installed and
activated your OS. And it would be completely right.
1) Uninstalling your OS will NOT "de-activate your OS" on the Server.
Remember that. It is VERY important. Even with Vista removed, your
CD key will STILL be associated with a valid activation record on the
2) The result when you attempt to activate an already activated OS (to
the server, remember) will ususally be the "Already activated" error.
3) This does NOT mean that Microsoft is somehow accusing you of
STEALING your copy. KEEP THAT IN MIND!!! It will allow you to
approach the Activation technicians with a little more understanding
later on, when you have to do a phone activation.
4) There IS NO DEACTIVATION method. Because of this, there is NO WAY
to really distinguish between a valid PID and an invalid one. So,
Microsoft does the next best thing: It refuses to activate ANY PID
which is already activated, and requires EVERYONE who attempts to
activate a previously-activated OS to obtain a new activation record.
An inelegant and brute-force solution? Yes. But the "brute-force"
method is the best way to handle a crowd.
Could Microsoft have done a better job? Possibly.
Is what they HAVE done so odious to everyone? Maybe, maybe not.
Does Microsoft disrespect its customers because of its Activation
policies? Absolutely not!!!
Is this method unfair? NO!!!
Is their method of activation too difficult for the average computer
user? Certainly not!!!
Does activation REALLY take up so much of our time? ONLY if you are
on your death-bed, with only a few minutes of life remaining.
Otherwise, you've already wasted more time reading this than you would
if you had to do a phone activation.
Donald L McDaniel