Chris Cowles
We have a vendor-provided Win2K Advanced server on which is installed a
database application. The client for the database runs only on the server.
They have enabled terminal services configured in a manner that everyone
logs in with the same user id and password.
The configuration allows access only to the database client application, for
which the user requires a personal userid/password. The client application
starts automatically and the setup allows the user to close the client,
which terminates the TS session. That's important because the vendor has
licensed terminal services access as a concurrent user license.
We initially installed the TS client generated at the server, but that
(apparently) requires the connection client connection to be configured for
each user account at each Win2K workstation. We have since installed the
WinXP RDP client available for download from Microsoft, which allows the
same session setup to be shared by all users of a given workstation.
1. When set up by an administrator, the target ip, session configurations,
and user ID are saved, but the password isn't. If it was saved by the
administrator account, it's there when the administrator logs out/in of the
workstation again. If another user tries to save the TS session password, it
won't save. How can I get the password to be saved for all users. Is it
2. The session is set up so the connection bar at the top of the screen
doesn't show up. Unfortunately, it does. I understand that it will always
show up on initial connection, but should slide out of sight. We can make it
do that by unclicking the 'thumbtack', but we need for it to slide out of
sight automatically. That's important because if the user closes the session
but way of the connection bar, it keeps the session and client application
active. That decrements our license count for the client application. We
need users to exit the connection by closing the app, which terminates the
session automatically. How do I get the connection bar to default to hidden
for all users?
Note: for all users except admin, we've removed the TS applications from the
menu and restricted rights to it to only read and execute. Individual users
aren't intended to do anything except start the session from the icon on
their desktops.
Thanks in advance.
Chris Cowles,
Gainesville, FL
database application. The client for the database runs only on the server.
They have enabled terminal services configured in a manner that everyone
logs in with the same user id and password.
The configuration allows access only to the database client application, for
which the user requires a personal userid/password. The client application
starts automatically and the setup allows the user to close the client,
which terminates the TS session. That's important because the vendor has
licensed terminal services access as a concurrent user license.
We initially installed the TS client generated at the server, but that
(apparently) requires the connection client connection to be configured for
each user account at each Win2K workstation. We have since installed the
WinXP RDP client available for download from Microsoft, which allows the
same session setup to be shared by all users of a given workstation.
1. When set up by an administrator, the target ip, session configurations,
and user ID are saved, but the password isn't. If it was saved by the
administrator account, it's there when the administrator logs out/in of the
workstation again. If another user tries to save the TS session password, it
won't save. How can I get the password to be saved for all users. Is it
2. The session is set up so the connection bar at the top of the screen
doesn't show up. Unfortunately, it does. I understand that it will always
show up on initial connection, but should slide out of sight. We can make it
do that by unclicking the 'thumbtack', but we need for it to slide out of
sight automatically. That's important because if the user closes the session
but way of the connection bar, it keeps the session and client application
active. That decrements our license count for the client application. We
need users to exit the connection by closing the app, which terminates the
session automatically. How do I get the connection bar to default to hidden
for all users?
Note: for all users except admin, we've removed the TS applications from the
menu and restricted rights to it to only read and execute. Individual users
aren't intended to do anything except start the session from the icon on
their desktops.
Thanks in advance.
Chris Cowles,
Gainesville, FL