Actually RDP 5.2 comes with TS 2003. You can use RDP 5.2 against a TS 2000
server however you gain ZERO benefit over the 5.0 client. You only gain
the benefit when the RDP 5.2 client is run against a TS 2003 server that can
support the higher color resolution.
RDP 5.2 and TS 2003 offer many client improvments beyond just color
pallette. The two together have a much more efficient use of bandwidth
almost approaching the ICA client (about time). For remote users this is a
big plus and we definitely tested and confirmed this.
Also with these two you get a cleint reconnect that actually and
consistently works. With RDP 5.0 and TS 2000 if a client got disconnected it
was really hit or miss whether they really reconnected too their existing
disconnected session (no matter how many reg hacks you put in to solve
this). With TS2003 and RDP5.2 they do this an entirely new way which is
much more reliable. It's not 100% but miles past what it use to be.
Another thing you get is print back compression, if remote users have local
printers that they print back to the new software compresses this resulting
in much faster print back then TS 2000 could do.
There are other improvements too especailly in the group policy areas that
are real nice. However this does not come with out pain and a lot of cost.
The licenseing for the TS 2003 server when you are done with all the hidden
crap is outragious... but isn't it always the case with MS.
ALso all the security changes in 2003 server can cause havec with prexisting
setup ups and applications. Be prepared to work through all that.
jwinkel said:
As far as I know, RDP 5.0 comes with Windows 2k Server! Since it only
supports 256 colors... and we need more in the client session, we need to
get RDP 5.1 which supports up to 16bit colors.
Question: Does RDP5.1 only comes with Windows Server 2003, or is there a
service pack for Windows 2k Server out o planned which will upgrade the RDP
5.0 to RDP 5.1?