RDA Pull SqlCeException - Beginner - Help needed!

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Hello all,

I don´t know was is wrong on the code (I think all permissions are right on
the maschine)

Has anyone an idea??

Thanks for help.



private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if(! System.IO.File.Exists(@"\My Documents\Test.sdf"))
SqlCeEngine eng = new SqlCeEngine(@"Data Source=\My Documents\Test.sdf");
SqlCeRemoteDataAccess rda = new SqlCeRemoteDataAccess();
string sCon = @"Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=notexp20; Initial
rda.InternetUrl = @"http://notexp20/PDACE/sscesa20.dll";
rda.LocalConnectionString = @"Data Source=\My Documents\Test.sdf";
rda.Pull("Products", "Select * from Products", sCon,
RdaTrackOption.TrackingOn, "rdaProductsError");
catch (SqlCeException SqlCeEx)
Hello all,

the problem is on my maschine. On another test-maschine the pull-method is
running well.


Could be any number of things, do you have the actual error message?

In the meantime, assuming it is some kind of connection error, here are a
few things to check...

1/ On your desktop PC can you browse to
http://localhost/PDACE/sscesa20.dll - this proves IIS is running and dll
installed ok

2/ Using PocketIE can you browse to http://notexp20/PDACE/sscesa20.dll, if
not try replaceing "notexp20" with actual ip address, if not then this
indicates that the device cannot reach IIS over the network.

3/ Is there any firewall software running on "notexp20", this can cause
problems, particularly when doing this over an active sync connection, try
disabliing it.

4/ There is no user or password specified in your remote connection string,
I'm not sure what the effect of that would be?

5/ Youre sure the Northwind db is running?

6/ You could try connecting to the db on notexp20 using the instance of
sscesa20.dll on the 'other' machine by changing the InternetURL, check the
device can see it first using PocketIE, this would hilight any problems with
IIS/sscesa20.dll on notexp20

7/ If you are happy that IIS/sscesa20 is running on on notexp20, try
changing the remote connection string to connect to the db on the other
machine using either instance of sscesa20.dll just to ensure there are no
issues with the db on notexp20
