RDA pull problem?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Butt Chin Chuan
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Butt Chin Chuan

I want to put my eVB application into my pocket pc 2002
(ipaq h3850). I faced this problem where I'm using the
simpleRDA program by Microsoft to pull the table. I have
created a new project for PPC 2002 and add the file into
this project. Next, I make sure the settings is correct
(url, name of database etc). I use SSCE Relay here. I got
this message "There is an error while running this
program" when I clicked on the combo box. This will
execute the following procedures:
Private Sub cmbSourceTables_Click()
Dim strTableName As String

strTableName = cmbSourceTables.List

txtSyncCommand.Text = "Select * From " & strTableName
txtLocalTableName.Text = strTableName

' we only have error tables for non tracked operations
If optNonTracked.Value = False Then
txtErrorTableName.Text = strTableName & "_Err"
End If
End Sub

' Sub cmbSourceTables_DropDown
' On the first drop down populate the drop down with a
' of avaliable server table names for use in a Pull
Private Sub cmbSourceTables_DropDown()
If chk_rda_props = False Then
cmbSourceTables.AddItem "RDA properties not set"
Exit Sub
End If

If cmbSourceTables.ListCount = 0 Then
End If
End Sub

' Function populate_pullsource
' Use the RDA Pull method to create an populate a local
' that holds the name of all the server table objects
and then
' populate a the cmbSourceTables drop down combo.
Private Sub populate_pullsource()
Dim rs As ADOCE.Recordset

On Error Resume Next

cn.Execute (strDropPullSource)

On Error GoTo 0

' create a local table contain the available source
rda.Pull strPullTable, strSchemaTables, strRemoteConn,

' if an error occurred then display the RDA errors
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call show_rda_errs
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0

Set rs = Nothing

' execute the command text showing any errors which
may have occurred
Set rs = cn.Execute(strServerTables)

' test for command errors
If cn.Errors.Count > 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

cmbSourceTables.AddItem ""
Do While Not rs.EOF
cmbSourceTables.AddItem rs(0).Value

Set rs = Nothing

On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Of the above statements, I managed to trace the problem
using message box pop up. It gives me error messages in
this statement:
rda.Pull strPullTable, strSchemaTables, strRemoteConn,

Where have I gone wrong?

I suspect that this problem maybe because my computer now
also installed VS.Net. Then again, I thought they should
be working without problems. I tried to pull a table
within VB.Net and it work successfully. However, it
doesn't work in eVB.

Anyone have any idea what happened? Thank you.
Hi Butt,

You need to provide the error details. Hard to figure out with out those.