A friend sent me an ivite to connect to his machine to help him, i accept the invite, it connects me but i can only view the screen. how can i 'take over his machine? Thanks
me but i can only view the screen. how can i 'take over his machine? Thankskev said:A friend sent me an ivite to connect to his machine to help him, i accept the invite, it connects
help him, i accept the invite, it connects me but i can-----Original Message-----
A friend sent me an ivite to connect to his machine to
may have stopped you from taking over. (Esc, no to share.
This sounds like Remote Assistance. If it is your friend
=?Utf-8?B?UGF0cmljayBSb3VzZSBbTVZQXQ==?= said:Tell them to look at their screen, where there's a button to click to let the "expert" move the ouse & interect with their computer.