I thought George Burns played God. Is it this Gates guy? I'll have to
look him up somewhere. He's doing awfully well against infectious diseases
considering his time spent vs. the medical establishment's. My money's on
him for an HIV vaccine.
The answer to that is easy for most of us. Get an AV program on your
boxes now.
1) Win One Care is a very good program from can I dare say it> Softie Soft.
It's economic in real estate and resource use, and has a very good backup
not quite as versatile as Vista's but pretty close. It's $33 bucks and
that's as good a deal as you're going to get these days for 3 licenses--you
can use it on 3 boxes--that's $11 a box considering what it does. Could you
do better if it provided backup functionality alone?
2) Right now though and with my best information, Win One Care is not going
to install on Vista until sometime between it's internal RTM Oct 25 and it's
public launch Jan 30, 2007.
3) Obviously you need to get an antivirus program onto every box you have.
Trend works very very well for me on Vista. I was, like most people who
have had several builds, using Avast, but although I think I can do a
workaround it didn't insall for a lot of us with the release of 5472 so I
went to Trend. MSFT had an offer on a web page, and I took them up on it.
Currently I'm using Trend and a lot of people I know are and we're well
satisfied on RC1 with it.
Here's the MSFT Trend Partner offer for Vista
My understanding is from other people posting here that McAFee and AGV also
are working on RC1 and builds after Beta 2, so you have options but don't go
without AV software ever. You can't afford not to be protected.