RC1 Review SO FAR (DAY2). Rated NC17.

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This system is coming along pretty well I'd say, plenty of stuff now works
better than in Beta 2/XP. Pretty much every issue I had pointed out about
Beta 2 has been fixed and even some of the annoying issues that I didn't
point out, like the problems with Hotmail and IE7b3, as well as problems with
Napster that would've freaked people out who werent accustomed to beta

Programmers are probably going to be busy updating code to include Vista as
a system that its designed for, Live Toolbar requires XP/2003 Server 32/64
bit to install. U3 thumbdrive software wasn't designed for this OS. No OS is
perfect but this comes close, parental controls even.

I like how quickly and effortlessly it installs, compared to Beta 2 and even
XP this one is QUICK! Beta 2 I upgraded from OEM XP Home, RC1 I clean
installed. I like the peace of mind the security provides, less mess when
someone doesn't know a whole lot about computers but wants to use one. RC1
loads quick, pretty sure this laptop loads in under a minute from boot...to
desktop. The style is less generic, for some reason everything pre-Vista
seems Generic to me, finally someone got paid to put some time and effort
into this.

What driver installation? I remember 9x days and even some 2000/XP days when
various devices needed extra drivers that just didn't come with the OS.

Now for the not so good, the price...when the engine costs almost as much as
the car, might as well rent the keys. There are plenty of alternatives that
cost MUCH less, and in some cases do more. But MS is our sweetheart. I don't
know if I'll spend $100 or $150+ for a basic full install version, and I
don't even want XP to touch this system. That is how high I hold Vista. But
how about putting legal ownership of this system within reach of minimum wage
workers? Unless it's going to blow me as well...please.

Somewhat but not that bad, the services running in the background...if you
click the start orb, and type "services.msc" without the quotes, I counted
130 services. 59 Automatic, 4 Disabled, and 67 Manual (70 Started) after 1
day of light usage so these may not be the defaults. Even though things seem
to be running ok, I worry that maybe some more of those Automatic services
could be defaulted to Manual, especially the TabletPC and Print Spooler
options. If PC isn't a TabletPC, set TabletPC service to Manual, If PC
doesn't have a Printer hooked up, Print Spooler service goes to Manual...etc.
It installs faster, but that's about it

It is much slower than xp, takes longer to boot, runs slower, applications
in it are heavier, just struggles to run, and it is a release candidate,
which means it is almost it, there is not new code, just bug fixes, that is
what we will get next month.

Yes, the notepad and paint are working good, but a monster like vs.net 2005
with a large opened project just does not. I wonder about other large
Like a vehicle, this seems like its got airbags and better breaks compared to
XP, if that makes it heaver and therefore move a bit slower, its absolutely
worth it. Like every new Windows version, the requirements are higher than
previously for reasons...it does more. I don't mind bug fixes.

If your having poor performance with large projects you could add more
memory, or to cheat in the meantime you could run in safe-mode to free up
some resources.

Or if your REALLY in the mood for customizing things you could make a batch
file that closes all or the majority of services, that way you don't gotta
log out and back into safe-mode. This is how each line would look:

net stop "service name"
net stop "Application Experience"
net stop "Application Information"
net stop "Application Layer Gateway Service"

Services with two words need quotation marks, services with one word don't.
Save As "servicestop.bat" and once you are done you could use Notepad to
Search and Replace every case of the word "stop" with "start" and then Save
As "servicestart.bat". Just right-click and Run-As Administrator when you
want to free up resources, standard/guest accounts can't stop/start services
so that is why Run-As Administrator.

What's your system specs?