1 of the teams I think share resonsibilty for Device Manager is the User
Experience team.
*What I thought would help you was the reverse--that if you had been
running setup on those machines that had a problem (since you installed
succesfully on most of your boxes) that trying setup (it has been my
experience lately--see below) from a restart might do the trick. I
understand you may have been there and done that long ago. If the
drive letters change you could hack them back to what you had, but I
haven't found that a big deal. I have to think a little bit though when
I want to modify a notepad from my XP drive and when I go to save on
Vista it won't let me until I rename the location to save to my Vista
And I would really like to hear some of the regulars comment on this or
anyone who understands it. I'd like to hear Darrell Gorter's take on
this too who once in a while will chime in and help in the public
groups because he's on the setup team.
1) I had been setting up from XP always on a dual boot box because I
quickly learned over a year ago that the drive letters will be changed
by the bios if you restart.
2) However, I had to forgo this practice beginning with 5472 and
subsequent builds because when I tried I got something I never saw
before. In the setup screen that comes immediately after your Product
Key is accepted, I began to get a message with a little explanation
point bang aka error message logo that said:
"Error: You must install drivers for your IDE controller to continue
Vista setup." I figure this came from someone on the Windows Error
team working with the setup team or some non-intuitively named
subspecialty team that Redmond is so good at putting together, but I
don't understand it. Colin and Mark V. have been good about reminding
people who have SATA and RAID arrays that they must install the
appropriate drivers to complete Vista setup. But I don't have either.
I also wonder if for those people that this requirement is vintage some
of the last builds back to Beta 2 5384 or one of the interim builds,
because I don't remember that it was needed before but I might be wrong
about that for people who had those setups.
When this happened to me the first time I ran the so-called Vista
upgrade advisor, and it looked like a neat idea except it's totally
wrong much of the time as I began to experiment on different people's
boxes and put Vista on them.
It told me that I
1) Couldn't install Turtle Beach Santa Cruz --a pretty good sounding
decent quality card although they retired it around 2001. So did some
guys from Creative on the Beta and a slew of others. That proved DEAD
The way is unconventional and I can't say I understand it fully but on
a dual boot it is to install an older driver on XP and the newest one
they made on Vista and install the TB Control panel on Vista.
2) It said that my IDE controller would not work in Vista and had to be
updated. That proved DEAD WRONG.
3) It said that my BUS host controller (VIA OHCI compliant IEE Host
Controller wouldn't work on Vista.
Given that indication from the completely wrong Vista Upgrade Advisor
and the error message requesting me to install drivers from a disc in
setup, I drilled some byzantine convoluted Intel Sites and the
Byzantine halariously written VIA sites for drivers--with explanations
of the explanations --it remineded me of the byzantine convoluted
Norton KBs at times and their site and I updated the drivers to the
newest most appropriate from both sites, and it didn't matter for setup
with XP.
So Lang, when I asked you in a couple threads whether you were setting
up from XP or a restart with your Vista DVD, it came from this
experience I began having with the release of Build 5472.
My experience has been when faced with this obstacle that I don't have
any problem at all setting up Vista's latest builds after 5472 when I
do it from a restart. I don't get the misleading and frankly a little
bit crazy error--I'd really like to talk to the setup team about this
and I mean to email them and see what they say or for that matter the
Device driver team or both. Maybe I can also find one of them MSDN
blogging and reach them.
There has to be a reason why they conjured up the false error message
but it's a mistake on the Vista teams' part--that much I know.
The reason the Upgrade Advisor spews what Nancy Anderson, Associate
General Counsel at MSFT and VP Legal Affairs, and self professed "tough
guy" Brad Smith learned in law school is a USC 18 § 1001 False Statment
with their Upgrade Advisor I believe is more sinister. I think OEM VP
Scott di Valerio and other decision makers at MSFT want to falsely
scare people into buying hdw they don't need so they can increase the
sales of Vista on OEM preinstalled desktops that of course can't reach
Win RE's startup repair just like they couldn't reach XP's repair
install via so-called "recovery CDs that are code shorted by OEMs" or
"OEM hidden partitions.
I always note with Mr. di Valierio's decisions which screw small hard
working system builders who truly love computers and even Windows, and
reward the 300 multinational named partners like Dell, Sony, HP, Acer
that Mr. Valiero's background is as an accountant not as someone with
IT training and it shows. That MSFT who has thousands of IT trained
employees lends support to this, is regrettable and reminds me of what
would happen it Tony Soprano ran MSFT. I guess when he was at Cornell,
Stevie Sinofsky absorbed just a little more of NY City 3 card Monte on
the street than people think.
That legal brain trust is fresh from a $375 million dollar fine from
the European Union and it's growing like Topsy with additional
judgmenets and penalties. I know for Nancy and Brad that's valet
parking for the night in the Queen Anne district of Seattle or at some
restaurant but that's to me a significant amount to lose because of 2
years of pure arrogance. I'd put their appeal chances right at the
success of rubbing the start button on your monitor and having 3 wishes
MSFT has found a much different climate than when they got Judge
Lamberth booted from their anti-trust suit and then the DOJ
subsequently caved with a new adminstration and MSFT's hiring Jack
Abramoff best friend and partner Ralph Reed as a $27,000 per month
lobbyist and defending it for a while until Reed was exposed in the
Abramoff emails. I would enjoy a Christmas Video this Christmas from
the Vista team that had Nancy Anderson and Brad Smith and Steve
Sinofsky marching around a Christmas tree or Hanuka bush waving Windows
Logo flags and shouting "Abramoff Abramoff Reed Reed Reed."
Another Stumble for Ralph Reed's Beleaguered Campaign
By Thomas B. Edsall
Monday, May 29, 2006; Page A05
Washington Post
The Fast Rise and Steep Fall of Jack Abramoff
How a Well-Connected Lobbyist Became the Center of a Far-Reaching
Corruption Scandal
By Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, December 29, 2005; A01
Microsoft's $1.6 Million Man
He's righteous conservative consultant-turned-candidate Ralph Reed.
Bill Gates has correctly given some money to liberal causes like the
California embryonic stem cell campaign--Gates is keen on health issues
and I suspect has little tolerance for the moronic anti-science stance
of the Bush adminiistration, so I wonder how he feels making a
millionare of one of the most intrepid right wing religious based
anti-science lobbyist scam artists.
I'd like to ask the questions at a Gates Balmer press conference on
Reed. It's be genuine fun. You'd get a quick "we're not going to
discuss internal business strategy even if it showcased the ethics of
pond scum" answer though.
Microsoft has been fined 280.5m euros ($357m; £194m) by the European
Commission for failing to comply with an anti-competition ruling. [I'd
sure increase the Christmas bonus of the legal team involved in this
litigation--great going boys and girls--give yourself a big MSFT
Think I get it now... install XP and run RC1 setup from within XP?
Setup from XP or restart--if have not restarted try that.
5600 installed fine on Dell D620 and D820. Having same problem
installing on Dell XPS Gen 2 as 5536: setup BSOD's right after
supplying SATA controller driver with a STOP 7. 5472 still running
fine on it, so I don't think anything's come loose inside or
anything like that... puzzled.