
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
I give up. I have been going around in circles for over an hour trying to figure this forum out? I can't get anywere, and I would like to ask some questions but I keep running into a blank wall. I can't even find out where to post the INFO I am asked to give about myself and my PC.
I started out at the very beginning and I keep getting the a statement that I am new and have not posted yet and to click "here' but when I do that I am taken off to something else that points back to 'CLICK HERE"
Someone please help me get started. I need to find out INFO about Memory cards for my PC.
I am going to try one more time before I logout
Well, you managed to post that, suggest you try another post in this thread you've started.

And, uh, welcome to the Forum :)
floppybootstomp said:
Well, you managed to post that, suggest you try another post in this thread you've started.

And, uh, welcome to the Forum :)

Thanks but I cant find the place to enter the INFO wanted by this forum???
I really need to learn how to use this forum but i don't think i can. I have done a search but it did not work to good. I am trying to find out where I can get more memoyy for my PC and I don't know where to start.
also where do I put the INFO requested by this forum about my PC and myself?
Thanks again.

I will try again tomorrow
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I'm honestly not sure about the INFO thing, I expect Ian, the Forum's head honcho, will be able to steer you right.

As for memory, there are lots of places but as a starter I suggest you try Crucial, they have a facility where you can enter your PC details and they will give you a choice of memory.

Crucial make good memory and offer a very quick mail order service - usually next day. And postage is included in price quoted.

Link >> Crucial
User Control Panel > Edit Profile to put in your details .
Some folk put their details as a signature , Control Panel > Upload Signature .

Hi rburrhead, the info is simply to post your computer specifications when posting a new thread. For example, lots of people ask technical questions without providing us with the information on their PC.

If you post a new thread in the hardware forum with what you are trying to do and any relevant details of your PC and then I'm sure you'll get some help :)
Thanks to BOTH Abarbarian and
Ian Cunningham
I'll get the HANG OF IT sooner or later I was trying to get on the Forum page to ask a question. but I did not know which one to get on? I was directed to this site by GooGle while trying to find a Memory card. I also wrote to Crusial last week and they are supposed to send me a letter today or tomorrow.
Thank you for all the help, I am a 00NUBIE and I dont Compute very well