RAW image support for Windows XP

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Inzer
  • Start date Start date
I downloaded the RAW Viewer a couple days ago and excitedly took 150 pics
yesterday using the RAW option on my 8.0 mega-pixel Konica-Minolta A200. When
I got home and downloaded the pics the viewer flashed up for a second then
disappeared into cyber space. I reinstalled it with no luck.... any
Did you read the White Paper? Konica-
Minolta is not listed as being supported.
It also includes some instructions on using
the viewer.

Whitepaper: Viewing and Organizing
RAW Images in Windows XP
(supported image types and cameras
are listed on page 11)
Thanks John,
I just read the White Paper again and see what you mean. I'm no "techie" and
thought there was no difference in RAW files from different manufacturers.
I'll try the TIFF setting tomorrow and see if I luck out that way but I don't
have my hopes up. Hopefully Microsoft will update for different manufacturers
I have no advance info but hopefully
additional camera mfgs will be supported
in the future.

As you can see from the following list...
they all have their own formats:

RAW File Extesions:
..CRW - Canon PowerShot and amateur SLR
..CR2 - Canon Pro SLR (1Ds, 10D, 20D, 1Ds MkII)
..TIF - Canon EOS1D
..NEF - Nikon
..PEF - Pentax
..RAF - Fuji
..X3F - Foveon/Sigma
..BAY - Casio
..ORF - Olympus
..MRW - Minolta
..RAW - Leica, Panasonic
..SRF - Sony

I am sorry you downloaded the software only to be disappointed that your
camera was not supported!

FYI, we updated the download information on Microsoft.com yesterday to make
it more explicit that only Canon and Nikon cameras are supported in this

I have hopes that we may be able to support additional camera brands and
models in the future; however, this is very hard to do because there is not
yet any "standard" way to do this--we have to do custom development for each
camera manufacturer's image processing libraries, and these libraries have to
be updated and tested whenever any new camera model is released. (Not to
mention the legal requirements to license said libraries.)

However, our recently announced RAW image codec architecture for Windows
Longhorn should make it much easier for software developers in the future to
support different RAW file types though use of a common Windows API. In the
future, RAW software like the Powertoy would "just work" whenever you got a
new camera, provided that the camera maker supplied an updated image codec
for the new model.

We hope that by taking a leadership position on this issue and working with
both camera vendors and software developers, we can reducing the industry
pain and simplify the digital photography workflow for customers....


Gary Voth, Rich Media Group
Microsoft Corp.
Thank You Gary,

If you are taking "nominees" for the next manufacturer.... I nominate
Konica-Minolta... anyone care to second the motion? heh heh!