RAS modem bank question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Flindor
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Hi all,

Not sure where to post this - but thought this would be the best place.

I might be getting a donated modem bank (another company is getting rid of it)
and have some basic questions.

First - the guy who is giving it to me said that you can connect one 1-800
number to it, and it will support up to something like 16 connections.
Something about this doesn't sound right - can a single phone line support that
many connections? Am I missing something?

Any comments appreciated,
With a hunt group which is a bank of modems or ISDN lines or both, which
share a common phone number you can have a client dialing the same phone
number; typically the first available device/line will answer the call.

The lines still need to be configured at the PBX to answer to the same


(e-mail address removed)

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