I have a small Access 2000 app that whilst working is causing some concern.
The app is a VB module that is constantly running. The module imports lots
(30000+/day) of simple CSV style files, applies business rules to the raw
imported data and updates tables in an attached SQLServer 2000 database under
transactional control. The raw imported data is deleted before new data is
imported. An ODBC connection object is established at App startup and the
same connection is used to perfom all accesses to the SQLSrvr repository. The
app should run 24*7. The app is activated by calling it from an 'AutoExec'
macro that automatically runs on startup.
The app runs fine except that the size of the access file grows rather
alarmingly quickly. i.e. 3->14Mbyte in 2 hours. If you terminate and merely
'Compact & repair the database' the size goes back to the original 3 Mb.
I've doublechecked the code looking for obvious problems - making sure all
recordsets get closed etc - everything looks fine.
VB is not my normal language so I'm a little wary that I've ballsed-up;
looks and feels like a classic memory leak but I do not know memory
alloccation rules in VB.
The only other thing that might be a problem is if there are issues with
FileImporting using FileImportSpecs.
Anyone got any bright ideas??
The app is a VB module that is constantly running. The module imports lots
(30000+/day) of simple CSV style files, applies business rules to the raw
imported data and updates tables in an attached SQLServer 2000 database under
transactional control. The raw imported data is deleted before new data is
imported. An ODBC connection object is established at App startup and the
same connection is used to perfom all accesses to the SQLSrvr repository. The
app should run 24*7. The app is activated by calling it from an 'AutoExec'
macro that automatically runs on startup.
The app runs fine except that the size of the access file grows rather
alarmingly quickly. i.e. 3->14Mbyte in 2 hours. If you terminate and merely
'Compact & repair the database' the size goes back to the original 3 Mb.
I've doublechecked the code looking for obvious problems - making sure all
recordsets get closed etc - everything looks fine.
VB is not my normal language so I'm a little wary that I've ballsed-up;
looks and feels like a classic memory leak but I do not know memory
alloccation rules in VB.
The only other thing that might be a problem is if there are issues with
FileImporting using FileImportSpecs.
Anyone got any bright ideas??