I am trying to make a Track and Field totals sheet. The coaches for
the various schools come in and put in the athlete's name, school
event, and qualifying time before the meet. That gives me 173 names i
a list with the headers:
event - Name - School - QTime
From here I rank everyone in each event based on their time. From thi
ranking, I want to autopopulate spreadsheets where I laid out th
events. I know that I want to have 100MeterRank1 in the best lane an
that is easy to find (formula combines event with rank and fetches nam
and school). I am using the index( Match()) functions to go thru a
setup everyone and its working fine.
Now I am working on events that do not have times so I have to find
way to rank the name, event, and school information so that I can ge
the unknown number of people in the Discus to the right sheet.
I am using Index() over the vlookup as the name entry sheet could b
sorted in all kinds of directions but I want to keep the data correct.
SO, I can not count on the names, schools, or events being in any orde
or grouped together. THUS, if I could come up with something tha
could look at a word (School + Name) and give that some kind o
numerical value, I can extract that data the way I did the time
events... using index() to find DiscusRank4 and put the name and schoo
in the proper area.
I am hoping to use this for future events and wanted to get th
formulas to do as much work for me as I can...