Rank within Rank




I wondered if anyone can help me with what may seem simple to someone
of more expeience... ;)

I have a ranking system, with the formulae for one of them


This ranks them on 'Points' (its a football/soccer league table). I
have done a Vlookup on them, and all is working fine, ofcouse until two
teams have the same amount of points. I knows its possible to sort this
out, but looks complicated and I dont want to do that yet because thats
not quite the end product I want. Before I do this, (If I need to do it)
I want to (after ranking them by points) rank them by Goal Difference,
and if thats the same then Goals For, and if thats the same then by
Alphabetical order...

I know this is possible by going Data >> Sort and doing it that way but
I want it to change automatically including places of the teams when I
enter the scores in.

Help would be really appreciated!


Bob Phillips

Add a column to calculate a weighted score


where K is the points, J the goal difference, and A the name.

Then rank on this new column.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)



Bob said:
Add a column to calculate a weighted score


where K is the points, J the goal difference, and A the name.

Then rank on this new column.

After about half an hour thinking on it I did It! Thats sooooo clever,
thank you very much!

However what you wrote is not quite right... Instead of < it should
have been > to get it in alphabetical order... not the opposite :p.
Dont worry I know you were just testing me!

Thanks again Bob.

Bob Phillips

After about half an hour thinking on it I did It! Thats sooooo clever,
thank you very much!

However what you wrote is not quite right... Instead of < it should
have been > to get it in alphabetical order... not the opposite :p.
Dont worry I know you were just testing me!

Do you know I started with that, then changed it ...?

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