Range of Values

  • Thread starter Thread starter Altramagnus
  • Start date Start date


Does .Net framework has class that
can support the computation of range of values?

For example, if I have a range of [1.23,4.45)
and i can subtract a range (1.5,2.3]
and will get a range of [1.23,1.5], (2.3,4.45)


But the PowerCollection (google for it) support Set<T> class.
And you could Union, Intersect and Differentiate 2 set.

You 'substract' opertaion being, in fact (A diff B) intersect A
Substract is an inadequate term in this circumstances.
Just to clarify,
when I say "A substract B",
i mean A intersect (complement of B)

I wanna do union (or), intersection (and), as well as complement (not)
on ranges of real values (double or float)

If you mean Wintellect's PowerCollections, I have seen it.
It is an extension of the System.Collections namespace.
The Set class takes in discrete items, not a range of values.

Thanks anyway.