random taskbar popup



for quite a while now i've had a blank taskbar tab randomly appear in the
taskbar and dissappear after less than a second. No actual window pops up on
the desktop, just the tab in the taskbar.

The issue is that when i have an application such as a computer game running
fullscreen, it minimises that application.

I've tried running adware, malware and spyware removal software but none of
them get rid of it. I also tried configuring the startup program list but
with no success.

I am using windows XP home sp2.

any help appreciated


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi jonnyhov,

Have you run the spyware and av tools in Safe mode yet? Often times, these
bugs will resist detection and removal in normal mode.

How to start in Safe mode:
http://www.rickrogers.org/fixes.htm#Safe mode

If that still fails to resolve it, could you export and post these registry


Copy/paste the contents into a reply (don't simply attach them).
Instructions (if you need them):

Start/run regedit, expand the branches to each key (do this one at a time).
Click on the key, then on file/export. Give it any name, then save to the
desktop. Once you have saved both keys, close the registry editor.
Right-click one of the saved files on the desktop, choose edit, it should
open in notepad. Click edit/select all/edit/copy. Open a response to this
post and click in the message text area. Hit ctrl+v to paste the contents.
Repeat for the other saved key, then send the post for examination.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org


hey "nutcase",
i hadn't tried that but i did solve the problem. I opened task manager and
waited for the little sucker to popup and took a print screen of it. then i
took a print screen of the task manager when the "popup" wasn't there.
By comparing the two i was able to find out which process was causing it.

hptskmgr.exe was the culprit. Turns out it was part of my HP printer software.

Solution, run msconfig and find all HP related startup processes and uncheck
their boxes. Restart your comp and voila!

hope that helps people

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