Random Selection

  • Thread starter Thread starter Newdlj
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Thank you so much for the people that responded to my last request.
That was a life saver and life has been much easier. I have anothe

I need a macro that would randomly select an order of people.

The scenario: Each week I would have to randomly select 3 people t
work OT. To this point it hasn't been an exact science.

Request: I would like to be able to select a range of data and have
people's name randomly appear in each colum for each day of the week.
Let me know if this is possible.

It is possible but more detail is needed. However, wouldn't you be better
off using a rotation than a random selection?

With any random selection method, the chances are pretty good that the same
person will frequently end up working 2-3 consecutive days of overtime.
Perhaps I should clarify a bit:

I have 9 people. I need 3 people per night during a 7 day week to work
OT based on their availability. So if person 1 can only work Tuesday
and Wednesday, obviously they can't be chosen for the rest of the week.
I need to be able to put people in a range and have the order chosen
randomly for me. Does that make sense?
Sorry, not to me.

You need to be more specific about how tha table will be constructed. Where
are the names? Where are the nights noted where they arte not available?

It's very difficult to answer questions where the requirements are so
general. For example, what happens if only 1 or 2 of them are available for
a particular night?