Random Restarts



My computer randomly restarts itself every time that I am
in the middle of using it. When I turn the computer back
on the Send Error Report Message comes up. I get the same
thing everytime that its a device thing. At first I
thought it was my vid. card, but I put another one in and
it kept messing up. I have no idea what it could be. In
the error report it said something about a minidump. I
dont know what to do.


have you installed software recently? typically this is the issue, and you
have a driver conflict or some such thing. i typically have received this
message when i download and install too many trial software packages. the
only answer is to re-install a new image of XP.

Microsoft Video Driver OCA Triage

Can you send me the contents of your "minidump" directory in your Windows
I need to look at the files to determine what is causing the crash.
Aaron C. Smith
Microsoft Video Driver OCA Triage
(e-mail address removed)
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