I recently built a new PC around a Koolance water-cooled case.
For a over a month now it has been running fine, however now all of a
sudden it has started to reboot at random for no apparent reason, I can
be using it for 4 hours and it will restart or it could be 10 minutes.
Here is the spec of PC:
Intel P4 3.4
ASUS P5AD2 Premium
PC Power and Cooling Turbo Cool 510
1 x 1 gig stick of crucial PC 4200 DDR2 RAM
2 36gig raptors drive configured on Intel RAID 0
XP Pro
As I mentioned before the system is water cooled, that includes the
CPU, graphics chip and hdd.
At first I though the culprit was something overheating was causing the
system reboot, however the system does always reboot under heavy loads,
just before it rebooted yesterday the CPU was at 28c and the
motherboard was at 45c.
Last night however I though I had cracked it as I removing an external
hdd I recently added. The reason for this is that this hdd required an
external power supply and at the moment I have one wall socket with a
six way extension bar coming out of it all of which I utilised by
various computer products. My reasoning behind this was perhaps the
demand for power was out stripping supply.
I then left it on over night but alas it still rebooted.
The only other problem I've been getting it is that if the USB card
reader is plugged in the system will sometimes not boot fully, not sure
if this is related or not.
I'm really looking for any tests that I can do which will prove that
a component is faulty, as stripping this system down when it's full
of water is no easy task.
Oh yes, all overclocking has been removed, the system is running as
For a over a month now it has been running fine, however now all of a
sudden it has started to reboot at random for no apparent reason, I can
be using it for 4 hours and it will restart or it could be 10 minutes.
Here is the spec of PC:
Intel P4 3.4
ASUS P5AD2 Premium
PC Power and Cooling Turbo Cool 510
1 x 1 gig stick of crucial PC 4200 DDR2 RAM
2 36gig raptors drive configured on Intel RAID 0
XP Pro
As I mentioned before the system is water cooled, that includes the
CPU, graphics chip and hdd.
At first I though the culprit was something overheating was causing the
system reboot, however the system does always reboot under heavy loads,
just before it rebooted yesterday the CPU was at 28c and the
motherboard was at 45c.
Last night however I though I had cracked it as I removing an external
hdd I recently added. The reason for this is that this hdd required an
external power supply and at the moment I have one wall socket with a
six way extension bar coming out of it all of which I utilised by
various computer products. My reasoning behind this was perhaps the
demand for power was out stripping supply.
I then left it on over night but alas it still rebooted.
The only other problem I've been getting it is that if the USB card
reader is plugged in the system will sometimes not boot fully, not sure
if this is related or not.
I'm really looking for any tests that I can do which will prove that
a component is faulty, as stripping this system down when it's full
of water is no easy task.
Oh yes, all overclocking has been removed, the system is running as