Random problem starting .NET app

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Some users of my .NET app report that when invoking the app they get errors
with messages like

"Unexpected error at Process id=0xfffe6fa5(-102491); Thread

For most users the app works but I'm thinking that on some people's machines
if certain required .NET dll dependencies are not present then they get such
errors. My installation has all of the required merge modules so I don't know
what the install could be missing.

Any suggestions on how to determine which dlls are missing or why the app
won't run?

well, this problem is not typical. Therefore, you are probably doing
something that causes it.

What is happening in your code at the point when this error occurs?

Is there any way you can reproduce this error in your dev environment?

Can you patch up your dll to trap errors and write them to the event log
(see the Logging Application Block) and send your fixed up app to one user
who is willing to work with you... they can run the app and tell you what is
in the event log...

Debugging a windows app in the field can be difficult sometimes. However,
the information you provided here is not enough for me to go on.

--- Nick
Thanks for replying. I know that the info provided is pretty slim.
That's because I am not getting any real info from my users.
I am not able to reproduce the problem on any of my dev/test machines
so debugging is impossible. The app works fine for most users it is
just some users that report the problem, a fair number of them on
Win2K, which is why I thinking that it is a dll dependency issue.

Anybody know if .NET has some of the DLL Hell problems, similar to COM?
And if so, any ideason how to find the problems?

An extra piece of info - a couple of users that experienced this problem,
reported that they reinstalled Windows (not sure which versions) and then the
app worked fine. This points to some kind of environment issue.