Barry said:
I am looking for the best way to produce a totally random
number in VB.NET with no pre-defined sequence does
anybody know if using Randomize followed by rnd is
sufficient enough?
Barry: The need for random numbers and the solutions for implementing them
have both been around for decades. If you search Google for "random number
generation" you will find hundreds of sites with explanations, code, and
everything else you could possibly want to know on the subject.
In a nutshell however whether the RNG available to you in .Net is random
enough depends entirely upon what you intend to do with the values. For
heavy-duty mathematical studies it is apparently not random "enough" but if
you are trying to roll some dice in a game it is good enough. If you are
creating software for the state lottery you should probably choose another
algorithm but (as you will see if you read some of the articles) every
algorithm has it's drawbacks (and consequently it's particularly specialized