Hello Kishor,
The following example will work in the Northwind sample database. You may need to modify
it to suit your needs. I am using an idea given in KB article 208855, where they use a
variable numeric field:
Find N Records in Random Order
I chose OrderID, which is an Autonumber (ie. long integer) primary key in the Orders
table. Because I used the primary key, I do not need to test for nulls.
Step 1
Create a new module and name it basRandomNumberGenerator. Copy and paste the following
code into this module. You can specify the lowest and highest values that you want
returned, by adjusting the values of the sngLowerbound and sngUpperbound variables (within
the limits acceptable for a single data type).
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function GenerateRandomNumber( _
lngSeed As Long) As Single
On Error GoTo ProcError
Dim sngLowerbound As Single
Dim sngUpperbound As Single
sngLowerbound = 1 '<--Specify lowest possible number
sngUpperbound = 5000 '<--Specify highest possible number
' Initialize the random-number generator
' with a seed based on the system timer.
Rnd (lngSeed)
GenerateRandomNumber = _
Int((sngUpperbound - sngLowerbound + 1) _
* Rnd + sngLowerbound)
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _
, "Error in GenerateRandomNumber event procedure..."
Resume ExitProc
End Function
Step 2
Create a new query by copying & pasting the SQL statement shown below:
SELECT Customers.CompanyName, Orders.OrderDate,
GenerateRandomNumber([OrderID]) AS RandomNum
FROM Customers
INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID;
When you run the query, you should see a calculated column, with random numbers.
I am facing a problem in writing a query in access 2000, my query is very
I wanted to have a random numbers against of every row in a table. So that
whenever I will execute a query I should get different result in every row
in that randomNumber column.
If you have any solution Please let me know.