random icons displayed - not default icons



If i view my files in details, list or small icons, random icons are displayed (ie., Acrobat icon for Photoshop, Control Panel icon for Jpg's, etc). However, if i view my files in Large icons or thumbnails, they display with the correct default icons.

I have deleted my SHELLICONCACHE, this did not help. I have run my 2000 disc (what a pain that was with updating to current browser, patches, etc!), this did not help either.

One thing works but is not what I choose to do. I installed TweakUI and if I use REPAIR ICONS, in 5 seconds my control panel displays the correct default icons. Soooo, if I keep the control panel OPEN and minimize it, I can go to any of my folders and view my files properly. BUT I HAVE TO KEEP MY CONTROL PANEL OPEN.

I am not uncomfortable in the registry IF I know EXACTLY what to create for keys, etc.

I am thinking that I need to fix ico in the registry but not sure. There is a PersistentHandler, but no Shell or ShellEX listed.

Anyone had this problem? It is driving me crazy & I have been searching in forums and sites for a fix for 3 days now, but alas, have had no luck.


On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 15:21:07 -0800, WebDancer
| Anyone had this problem?

Here is a fix from a previous post using the free Activicon utility
http://www.cursorarts.com/ca_ai.html ...

1-- increase the icon cache size to at least 2048 (some people
recommend 4096), and then
2-- rebuild/purge the icon cache.

- The option for changing the cache size is on its "Desktop Controls"

- The options for rebuilding the cache are on 2 small round buttons at
the lower/right corner. Shut down any programs running in the
background, then click the round button farthest to the right (your
system will reboot, and the icon cache will be cleaned out).

- return address is altered slightly to reduce spam.

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