Has any one got any ideas whatsoever as to why random entries keep appearing
in BootExecute. These random entries look something like
??? autochk *
TED autochk *
or frankly any string of characters followed by "autochk *"
This leads to a blue screen before booting up informing me that
? cannot be found. Skipping program.
This message appears for each entry in the BootExecute, and instead of ?
there is the name of the entry, i.e. ??? or TED.
Sometimes, when these random entries are present, Windows does not complete
the bootup process and halts with just the desktop picture showing.
Any ideas?
My system spec is below:
OS: Windows XP Professional SP2 (32-bit)
Office Suite: Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP3
Motherboard: Asus Crosshair (BIOS Revision: 1103)
CPU: AMD Phenom X4 Quad Core 9850 Black Edition
RAM: 4Gb (2x2GB) Corsair Twin2x 4096-6400C5DHX
GPU: Asus ENGTX280 nVidia 280
HDD: 2.50TB (Over 5 SATAII Western Digital HDD's)
Has any one got any ideas whatsoever as to why random entries keep appearing
in BootExecute. These random entries look something like
??? autochk *
TED autochk *
or frankly any string of characters followed by "autochk *"
This leads to a blue screen before booting up informing me that
? cannot be found. Skipping program.
This message appears for each entry in the BootExecute, and instead of ?
there is the name of the entry, i.e. ??? or TED.
Sometimes, when these random entries are present, Windows does not complete
the bootup process and halts with just the desktop picture showing.
Any ideas?
My system spec is below:

OS: Windows XP Professional SP2 (32-bit)
Office Suite: Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP3
Motherboard: Asus Crosshair (BIOS Revision: 1103)
CPU: AMD Phenom X4 Quad Core 9850 Black Edition
RAM: 4Gb (2x2GB) Corsair Twin2x 4096-6400C5DHX
GPU: Asus ENGTX280 nVidia 280
HDD: 2.50TB (Over 5 SATAII Western Digital HDD's)