One of our users has complained about, and I have
witnessed, a simple name and address spreadsheet that
places the text +A1 in various cells, after the correct
cell contents. This spreadsheet is not shared with anyone
nor does anyone else have access to it, so that eliminates
someone else messing with it. The text normally appears
after she has made changes elsewhere in the spreadsheet,
saves and then closes it. When she opens it again the
previously mentioned mystery text appears. Any ideas??
Thank you.
witnessed, a simple name and address spreadsheet that
places the text +A1 in various cells, after the correct
cell contents. This spreadsheet is not shared with anyone
nor does anyone else have access to it, so that eliminates
someone else messing with it. The text normally appears
after she has made changes elsewhere in the spreadsheet,
saves and then closes it. When she opens it again the
previously mentioned mystery text appears. Any ideas??
Thank you.