Anyone interested in productivity -- and not just trolling for a fight
-- would notice at the very left of the top frame of my web site:
Does the BACK button
appear disabled?
It isn't!
Click here to learn more
It's a shame you are so eager to bad-mouth people that it makes you
incapable of seeing the benefits of something even slightly different
from your run-of-the-mill expectation.
You're assuming that anyone who visits your site has a recent version of
Internet Explorer or similar. The poor souls using AOL as their browser, to name
one group, don't have drop-down arrows immediately to the right of their Back
buttons. There are a few older, non-Microsoft browsers with the same problem.
I'm just giving them a web health warning since it seems pertty obvious you
haven't tested your site with anything other than Internet Explorer.
Redirection *CAN* be achieved without fubarring bow the Back button itself
works. Click any makeashorterlink or tinyurl link then click on the Back button
a few times to see examples of how this works. Apparently you're not interested
in providing that level of functionality on your web site.
Your approach shows only that you don't fully understand web page programming
and/or user-friendliness. It's a bad design. That you provide a work-around for
one particular browser doesn't mitigate the fact that yours is a poor design.