Ran Office XP Update: KB837253 and now "MS Development Environment has not been installed..."

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin
  • Start date Start date


This morning Office XP Update KB837253 was downloaded by automatic
update, so I ran it when I got in. Now I get that horrible message, of
which I have not found a solution in all my googling: "MS Development
Environment has not been installed for the current user. Please run
setup to install the application." So far this has happened to about
half the programmers in our department who ran the update right away,
and later opened VS 2003.

Does anyone have a solution besides completely reinstalling?

Good news! Luckily this was resolved without any uninstall and
reinstall mess! Our IT department had to pay to talk to Microsoft for
a solution. It turns out something happens where an extra license
makes its way into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Licenses, and I
guess the two licenses conflict with each other so it gives the not
installed message. This may have something to do with the way our
department has VS 2003 licensed, where we all install from the same
discs. So to fix this our IT guy just opened regedit and clicked
Delete on the extra license key, and I was all set!