RAMfreer giving error messages, need another PROGRAM ? HELP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Morph
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Does anyone know of a good Ram freeing program ( freeware ), as the 1 i am
using Ramfreer , keeps giving me erroro messages, something about 'invalid
image list' or 'incorrect parameter ' so does this mean it is responding to
another program (conflicting, like ...? ), Seems to happen a lot when using
Media Player to play a song in mp3. format, altho' i do not even use a
'image' screen on media player whilst playing songs.. so i have no idea,
what " Inavalid image or parameter " means, does anyone ? Please ?
All suggestions for another RAM giving prog wud be greatly appreciated, I
had 64mb and have exactly ZERO left, so until i buy another comp, this will
have to be the onlt Road i can go down....All the Best Morph, Thanks to
anyone gonna help out !!...Ta
Morph wrote on 8-10-2004 :
Does anyone know of a good Ram freeing program ( freeware ), as the 1 i am
using Ramfreer , keeps giving me erroro messages, something about 'invalid
image list' or 'incorrect parameter ' so does this mean it is responding to
another program (conflicting, like ...? ), Seems to happen a lot when using
Media Player to play a song in mp3. format, altho' i do not even use a
'image' screen on media player whilst playing songs.. so i have no idea,
what " Inavalid image or parameter " means, does anyone ? Please ?
All suggestions for another RAM giving prog wud be greatly appreciated, I
had 64mb and have exactly ZERO left, so until i buy another comp, this will
have to be the onlt Road i can go down....All the Best Morph, Thanks to
anyone gonna help out !!...Ta

Reading this, I suppose you could check the memory in your computer. It
won't surprise me when there is something seriously wrong with the
installed memory. See

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
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