OK, OK, OK. . . Even though I found the frames methodology to be pretty easy
and useful, I'm going to heed the warnings and listen to all the experts on
this board and vanquish the frames from my site
So now the questions is what is / are the best practices and syntax (or the
best documentation) for navigation in a typical 3 area page [banner, navBars,
content). I'll need to update content in one or two of the three areas
concurrently and usually triggered off of a single click.
Thanks to all, I do enjoy learning and reading these posts
and useful, I'm going to heed the warnings and listen to all the experts on
this board and vanquish the frames from my site
So now the questions is what is / are the best practices and syntax (or the
best documentation) for navigation in a typical 3 area page [banner, navBars,
content). I'll need to update content in one or two of the three areas
concurrently and usually triggered off of a single click.
Thanks to all, I do enjoy learning and reading these posts