Here's a simple one, I think, for anyone with memory experience.
Current RAM is read by SIW as SSTL 2.5V. All RAM I can find at places
like Crucial, etc. are labelled as 2.6V.
Does the 2.5 vs 2.6 V matter?
What might the SSTL stand for?
I have a 256 Meg Walmart machine apparently made by Balance Digital
Technology, who no longer makes desktop but does appear to make laptops,
but they are a manufacturer & won't talk to anyone. Walmart of course
just says "HUH?"
All I want to do is take it from 256 to 512 or a Gig depending on
whether i can work out the voltage question. Machine called 3 GHz but
actually has a 2.4 GHz Celeron in it.
Specs from SIW:
Device Locator Slot 2
Capacity 256 MBytes
Memory Type SDRAM DDR-400
RAM Speed PC3200 (200 MHz)
Data Width 64 bits
Voltage SSTL 2.5V *<==========*
Error Correction None
Refresh Reduced (.5x)...7.8 µs
EPP SPD Support No
Cpu Socket Socket 478
Max CPU Speed 3066 MHz (but running in 2.4 GHz machine).
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on the voltage issue. Or
anything else for that matter.
Here's a simple one, I think, for anyone with memory experience.
Current RAM is read by SIW as SSTL 2.5V. All RAM I can find at places
like Crucial, etc. are labelled as 2.6V.
Does the 2.5 vs 2.6 V matter?
What might the SSTL stand for?
I have a 256 Meg Walmart machine apparently made by Balance Digital
Technology, who no longer makes desktop but does appear to make laptops,
but they are a manufacturer & won't talk to anyone. Walmart of course
just says "HUH?"
All I want to do is take it from 256 to 512 or a Gig depending on
whether i can work out the voltage question. Machine called 3 GHz but
actually has a 2.4 GHz Celeron in it.
Specs from SIW:
Device Locator Slot 2
Capacity 256 MBytes
Memory Type SDRAM DDR-400
RAM Speed PC3200 (200 MHz)
Data Width 64 bits
Voltage SSTL 2.5V *<==========*
Error Correction None
Refresh Reduced (.5x)...7.8 µs
EPP SPD Support No
Cpu Socket Socket 478
Max CPU Speed 3066 MHz (but running in 2.4 GHz machine).
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on the voltage issue. Or
anything else for that matter.