RAM usage

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matt
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I was wondering if it is possible to determine how much
of my RAM is being used. I have a 1 year old pc running
xp and it seems to be slowing down a lot. I want to see
if upgrading the memory will help, so I need to see if it
is all being used.
Thanks for your help,
Thanks for the help Peter,
Which graph / figures do I look at specifically? Do I need to watch this all
the time or is there an indication that I may be low on RAM in general?
Thanks again....
Below the graphs, you'll see a box labelled "Physical Memory (K)." You can
see how much is built-in to the computer and how much RAM is currently
available. Using this information, you may be able to gauge whether or not
you need more RAM.

It always helps to have a lot of RAM, so I've heard. How much is built into
your computer?

Shane Steinmetz
Hey Shane,
Thanks for your post.
My Total is 196Mb, but my Available seems to be less than 50Mb. This doesn't
sound like a lot?!
You're welcome. :-)

50 MB free? Hm. It sounds like you may be running a little low, to me. I
suggest talking to a technician or someone else around here about the issue.
The clear concepts of memory usage can evade my thinking sometimes.

I would probably go higher. I'm thinking of maxing out my old computer to
512 MB. Computers just seem to be so demanding. You give them a foot and
they want a mile. It seems that the more RAM you add, the more the computer

196 MB sounds pretty low, to me. I read somewhere that Windows XP uses 128
MB of RAM alone.

Go to http://www.crucial.com and look at your RAM upgrading options.
Upgrading is an option you MAY want to consider.

Shane Steinmetz