Sandi said:
After installing Trend Micro Internet Security, I am running very short on
space on my C drive. So far, after starting to do all the security updates,
I have only 7% left on this drive. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am
self taught senior and have no idea how to figure this out.
Thanks to any and all who can help me. Sandi
First, a shortage of hard drive space has little to do with RAM. Second, the
easiest way to add hard drive space to a desktop computer is to add a second
hard drive. If you're current hard drive is less than 40GB, you might want to
consider this option. If you have a laptop, your only option may be to acquire
an external hard drive to store files.
That said, here are some steps you can take to free up space on your C drive.
1. Reduce the amount of hard drive space allocated to System Restore.
Go to Control Panel and double click the System icon.
Click on the System Restore tab.
Under Available drives, click on the C drive so it's highlighted.
Hit the Settings button.
Move the slider to the left so it reserves no more than a GB of HD space. That
should leave you two weeks worth of restore points which is as far back as I'd
recommend when using System Restore. If you want more restore points, move the
slider back to the right.
2. Reduce the amount of space allocated for Internet Explorer's
Go to Control Panel and double click Internet Options.
Hit the Settings button in the Browsing history section on the General page.
Note: Hit the Settings button in the Temporary Internet Files section of the
General page if using IE6.
Reduce the amount of disk space used to something between 50 and 100 MB.
3. Reduce the amount of space used by the Recycle bin.
Right click the Recycle bin icon on the Desktop and select Properties from the
Move the slider to the left. 5% should be more than enough.
4. Remove Windows Update uninstall files.
The files used to uninstall updates to Windows can be deleted
if you're confident that they will not have to be uninstalled
in the future. These files can be found in the Windows folder
with names similar to this, $NtUninstallKB123456$. They are
hidden folders so make sure you enable viewing of hidden files
and folders in Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View tab.
Note: Do not delete the $hf_mig$ folder. This folder will be
used by future updates.
Here's a web site which provides an automated way of deleting
these folders.
Courtesy of Doug Knox, MS-MVP
Removes Hotfix Backup files and the Add/Remove Programs
Registry entries.
5. Turn off Hibernation if it's enabled and you don't use it.
Go to Control Panel and double click Power Options.
Click on the Hibernate tab.
Remove the check mark from the box next to Enable hibernation
Click OK.
Keep in mind that you should also have a backup plan in place for any files on
your computer that you wouldn't want to lose. And once you have those files
backed up, make sure you can restore them.
Good luck