RAM reg mode

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For XPE SP1, I had to run the etprep.exe (due to using an IDE drive to do
FBA only) proir to copying all the files over to CF, do I still need to run
the etprep.exe with SP2 (since it is written to the Registry rather than a
new partition on disk) ?

I did clear the "start EWF enabled" box under the configuration setting of
the ewf., and disk type "ide" and overlay type "ram"

In addition, anyway to configure using the "RAM" mode !! rather the the
"ram reg" mode to use with CF ??

Hi Lawless,

You can use Reg RAM EWF in both SP1 and SP2 in the same way. In SP2 documentation this mode is better documented and that's it.
etprep was not required before and certainly you do not need it is SP2. On www.xpefiles.com you can find my component and
documentation that describe this, also you can read SP2 doc.
In addition, anyway to configure using the "RAM" mode !! rather the the
"ram reg" mode to use with CF ??

Sure, but why do you need this?

You can use: "rundll32 ewfdll.dll ConfigureEwf"
Search in product documentation more information regarding this.

For XPE SP1, I had to run the etprep.exe (due to using an IDE drive to do
FBA only) proir to copying all the files over to CF, do I still need to run
the etprep.exe with SP2 (since it is written to the Registry rather than a
new partition on disk)?

You don't need to run etprep with RAM Reg Mode. (I am talking about etprep /detele).

SP2 does not bring much difference there in terms of etprep usage. The RAM Reg mode was there with SP1 but it was just not [well]
documented in XPe docs.
I did clear the "start EWF enabled" box under the configuration setting of
the ewf., and disk type "ide" and overlay type "ram"

Just follow this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/xpehelp/html/xegrfConfiguringEWFRAMRegOverlays.asp

In addition, anyway to configure using the "RAM" mode !! rather the the
"ram reg" mode to use with CF ??

Could not understand this question quite.

I will need to do more reading on the "rundll32 ewfdll.dll ConfigureEwf"
Thanks !!

The main reason is that I have relized that once I issue the "ewfmgr c:
-commitanddisable" comment, it will prompt back with: "***committing data and
disabling overlay then the command prompt freeze !! and not responding
anymore... Any clue on why this is happening ?

In addition, if i issue ewfmgr c: => it will show : TYPE RAM (REG), STATE
ENABLED ... ETC ETC... last line: current level 1. (enable seems to be
working fine !!)

Best regards,
I'm unable to disable the EWf by using the command "EwfMgr C:-commitanddisable"
I've made RAMReg mode EWF for CF

May i know what is the procedure to disable the EWF.?
Whenever i type "EwfMgr C:-commitanddisable" in cmd prompt, it shows the status as 'enabled'
