For XPE SP1, I had to run the etprep.exe (due to using an IDE drive to do
FBA only) proir to copying all the files over to CF, do I still need to run
the etprep.exe with SP2 (since it is written to the Registry rather than a
new partition on disk) ?
I did clear the "start EWF enabled" box under the configuration setting of
the ewf., and disk type "ide" and overlay type "ram"
In addition, anyway to configure using the "RAM" mode !! rather the the
"ram reg" mode to use with CF ??
For XPE SP1, I had to run the etprep.exe (due to using an IDE drive to do
FBA only) proir to copying all the files over to CF, do I still need to run
the etprep.exe with SP2 (since it is written to the Registry rather than a
new partition on disk) ?
I did clear the "start EWF enabled" box under the configuration setting of
the ewf., and disk type "ide" and overlay type "ram"
In addition, anyway to configure using the "RAM" mode !! rather the the
"ram reg" mode to use with CF ??