i am not sure this is a problem or not, but i have 2 gigs of ram installed in
my computer and am running vista home edition 32 bits. of i go to conrol
panel>systems it states my processor and ram is not avaliable. i have an ASUS
M2N-SLI DELUXE mobo 2 1 GIG Crucial ram and everything seems to run ok but 1
program called Pinnacle Studio which is a video movie transfer program. it
transfers really slow or not at all when i add video effects to it. i have
been back and forth with pinnacle and they can't fiqure it out. my mobo bios
sees the 2 gigs of ram. a program called BELARC ADVISOR checks the machine
out and gives you all the info about your system and that sees the 2 gigs of
ram. am i worrying about a problem that is not even there or is there another
way to check if Vista sees the 2 gigs of ram. I hope this makes sense to
everyone. Thanks
my computer and am running vista home edition 32 bits. of i go to conrol
panel>systems it states my processor and ram is not avaliable. i have an ASUS
M2N-SLI DELUXE mobo 2 1 GIG Crucial ram and everything seems to run ok but 1
program called Pinnacle Studio which is a video movie transfer program. it
transfers really slow or not at all when i add video effects to it. i have
been back and forth with pinnacle and they can't fiqure it out. my mobo bios
sees the 2 gigs of ram. a program called BELARC ADVISOR checks the machine
out and gives you all the info about your system and that sees the 2 gigs of
ram. am i worrying about a problem that is not even there or is there another
way to check if Vista sees the 2 gigs of ram. I hope this makes sense to
everyone. Thanks