RAM Issues

Feb 18, 2007
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This may well be a dumb question so sorry in advance if it is. I have an Ei System 4415 laptop and I'd like to get some new RAM as it's only got a measly 256 at the moment. Only problem is there seem to be lots of types and this numptey has no idea what he has. I had a look inside and it's 'long' but that doesn't help much. On boot up it claims to have NVRAM but I can't seem to find any of that when I look on shop sites. Am I just being thick? I use computers cos I have to but I really don't understand them.
Thanks for that, I've bookmarked the site as it looks usefull but unfortunately they don't know Ei Systems so they can't scan. From what I've read here it seems very few people do know who they are. I may just try that old school option of taking it to a computer shop!
It came from PC World. I'm a bit rural here and don't drive so I've not been to them yet but I think I'll have to. Just been reading other threads on Ei System and they seem to be some kind of own brand. It was that classsic mistake, buying the one that was dirt cheap. Always a bad idea but I've learnt my mistake.:o
Try this SITE
And use the "Scan My System" button.
This site had the RAM for an 8 year old laptop of mine!
If no luck with the scanning you could always ring them up:thumb:
Thanks mate, that one worked a treat. Yes, the telephone would be a good idea but I checked thier number and it's premium rate. Thought that was a bit poor as it would cost less to catch a train to them than to spend five minutes on the phone. Never mind, thanks to your sterling help I now have the answer I was looking for. Thanks very much for the help.