RAM issues - Giga-byte GA-K8VT890-9 motherboard.

Jun 16, 2005
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Hello people!

I need your help with this one.
I think I know the answer already but would like any advice you might have.
I've just put together a new machine and installed the Giga-byte GA-K8VT890-9 motherboard http://www.giga-byte.com/MotherBoard/Products/Products_GA-K8VT890-9.htm

Now when I got all the parts I initially purchased a stick of 512mb Kingston ram http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/prod...2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=49296

Then my very kind boss said I could purchase 1gig of ram so I went and bought a Kingston kit of 512mb X2.

Now the board supports Dual Channel memory. And I can't run 3 sticks of ram as it says in the manual. So I thought I would go and purchase another stick of the 512mb Kingston ram from Ebuyer. The same item that I bought to start with.

Get the item this morning nip home from work as I had to let the plumber in to start the central heating install and thought I would put all the sticks in.

Oh dear that doesn't sound good.

Basically do I need to get another kit of 1gig to pair it up.
The stick works fine on its own so its not faulty.

Any other advice? Can I get this config up and running?

If not then it looks like there will be 2 sticks up for grabs. lol

Thanks in advance.

Yeah I got 4 all together. Kingston 1gb kit with 2 512mb sticks and 2 other Kingston 512mb sticks bought separately from Ebuyer quick find code: 49294.
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Oh and the kit works fine together.

And the 512mb stick works fine on it own. But if used with the other single stick it doesn't.
Oh well I thought as much.

Anyone interested in X2 Kingston 512mb DDR PC3200 400mhz.
Used for about 30 seconds each. £65 inc delivery!

I know I should put them in the For Sale section but not enough posts yet. lol

If interested pm me or send me an email @ deleted by Mucks for security ... Cheers,

Rich, don't post real email address ... let people PM you, it is secure from "bots" that harvest emails from forums.

Those of us the do use 'throw-away' emails addies. ;)

Sorry about the RAM. :(
Opps sorry mucks! Stupid old me. lol

Ah you win some you lose some. As Nirvana said once "Nevermind"

Thanks anyway.

Same thing different problem

Hello all, im haveing a little problem with my memory not being seen by my motherboard. Im am currently useing

Windows XP SP2

AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Socket 939 (Venice) -CPU

Gigabyte K8VT890-9 Socket 939 -Motherboard

XFX GeForce 7900 GT 256MB PCIe w/Dual DVI -Video Card

Corsair Dual Channel 1024MB PC3200 DDR 400Mhz Memory (X4)

My motherboard has 4 available RAM slots.I am only able to use 2 however because there seems to be some problem. I have 4 IDENTICAL sticks of memory, and currently have 2 of them in DDR slots 1 and 2. I tried to install the other 2 in slots 3 and 4 but it idnt see 4G or total ram at all. It only saw 2.8G and i cant see why.

I then put in only 3 sticks in slots 1, 2 and 3 but then the system didnt boot at all. I tested all the sticks of memory and they all work great which leads me to belive this is a motherboard problem. I cant seem to find it so I though i would look for help here. If someone could help me out and save me from getting a new motherboard/ selling my memory i would REALLY apreciate it.


Using someone else's thread ... no mater how similar the problem ... will not give you the coverage of the whole forum.

Always start your own thread. :thumb: