Raised Security Level


Growing old....
Jan 1, 2005
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The British are feeling the pinch in relation to recent bombings and security threats and have raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved."
Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross."

Londoners have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies all but ran out.

Terrorists have been re-categorized from "Tiresome" to a "Bloody Nuisance."

The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning level was during the great fire of 1666.

Sounds about right :D
Well... given what happened the last time you lot got "a bit cross" then I know which side I wanna be on if it happens again :eek:
cirianz said:
Well... given what happened the last time you lot got "a bit cross" then I know which side I wanna be on if it happens again :eek:

Ah, the UK.....

Quite strange to have been born into this lot.

I love this country. I see others in a kind of an alliance right now, Aus, NZ, USA, Spain, sometimes Canada, lol, depending on what mood they're in, and a few other assorted Eastern European and Nordic Nations.

In the past, we were absolute gits. Raped, pillaged, murdered and generally weren't very nice chappies at all.

Mind you, we made a few bob out of it and we were only playing by the worldwide rules of the time.

This is one thing the revisionists don't mention. Yes, we were complete bar stewards, but SO WAS EVERYBODY ELSE.

A little perspective, thank you :)

And then we got all liberal and on a guilt trip and gave it all back.

But we still ain't doing so bad.

Now if only we could sort out the internal divisions, home rule for Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Pimlico, anybody?

We are unique and all you colonial sods know that you sprung mostly from us :D

I do love this country, in all it's multicultural, twisted, weird, odd, eccentric loverliness, it be good.

And yes, if we get a trifle miffed, we can still kick bottie :)
floppybootstomp said:
Ah, the UK.....

Quite strange to have been born into this lot.

I love this country. I see others in a kind of an alliance right now, Aus, NZ, USA, Spain, sometimes Canada, lol, depending on what mood they're in, and a few other assorted Eastern European and Nordic Nations.

In the past, we were absolute gits. Raped, pillaged, murdered and generally weren't very nice chappies at all.

Mind you, we made a few bob out of it and we were only playing by the worldwide rules of the time.

This is one thing the revisionists don't mention. Yes, we were complete bar stewards, but SO WAS EVERYBODY ELSE.

A little perspective, thank you :)

And then we got all liberal and on a guilt trip and gave it all back.

But we still ain't doing so bad.

Now if only we could sort out the internal divisions, home rule for Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Pimlico, anybody?

We are unique and all you colonial sods know that you sprung mostly from us :D

I do love this country, in all it's multicultural, twisted, weird, odd, eccentric loverliness, it be good.

And yes, if we get a trifle miffed, we can still kick bottie :)

lol, yeah, that be right :D
We be Britts, maybe not born,
but definitely bred :D