
  • Thread starter Thread starter Shawn Malligan
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Shawn Malligan

I am writing about the Railroads game I can play for around half an hour
then a get a black screen with a window saying Apcrash then it goes to the
desktop. I run a P4 D 3.4, Vista Premium, 2gb Ram, HIS ATI Radeon 1650Pro
AGP Video Card, and have used a Nvidia Palit 6800GS AGP Card in the past and
the same thing happens. I have installed the 110 patch and tried the game
without it and it still crashes. I have tried emailing Firaxis about it but
no reply. SHould I wait for another patch or is there a fix I can use that
someone knows about?
Thanks Shawn
You might check the event viewer (search Windows for it and it comes
up). Find out what app is causing it and see if it is the program that
crashed, or a device driver. You might also check for heat issues.
I have not tried railroads yet in vista but will soon. I have vista premium
64bit, I hope I don't have problems with it.
I get the same thing. It crashes after about a half-hour. Sometimes even
after 5 mins. I've tired compatalibity mode, "run as admin" mode, beta nVidia
drivers, etc. Nothing seems to help. I contacted Take2 support and they said
"there is no ETA on the patch yet to fix this, but the update might come from
MS, so keep checking Windows Update" I'll keep tweaking some things in the
mean time to see if i can get it running better.