Anyone have any thoughts on which is going to give me better write
speeds.. I know raid0 should be much better and if i combine it with
raid1, redundant..
But I'm assuming when I backup my servers to (this backup server)
across the gigabit network, my write speeds would max out at say 60 MB/
s wouldnt they?
I think right now on Raid5, sataII, i'm getting a write speed of 57 MB/
s (bypassing windows cache, using SIsandra to benchmark).. if you dont
bypass the windows cache this becomes more like 38 MB/s..
Any thoughts?
speeds.. I know raid0 should be much better and if i combine it with
raid1, redundant..
But I'm assuming when I backup my servers to (this backup server)
across the gigabit network, my write speeds would max out at say 60 MB/
s wouldnt they?
I think right now on Raid5, sataII, i'm getting a write speed of 57 MB/
s (bypassing windows cache, using SIsandra to benchmark).. if you dont
bypass the windows cache this becomes more like 38 MB/s..
Any thoughts?