If your RAID 5 is a Windows NT (Software 'Controlled") Environment -
when you lose Windows, you have lost the RAID Environment.
But, if your are using RAID 5 - this a an extremely difficult
"Environment to Lose" - with 3 (or more) Hard Drives.
Re-start you computer and Press F8
Insert your Windows CD, and select 'Repair'
[ There is almost a 100% chance that your RAID Failure is due to one
of your Hard Drives "Crashing" - if you can figure out which one
(before this phase) -have a Replacement Drive handy !!!. ]
Follow the STEPS recommended by the Wndows Installation CD.
And you will probabaly have a 60% chance of doing a
But, If you are looking for the EXPERTISE (experienced) Information;
Your not going to find it HERE;
[ At least not at these (basically FREE) PRICES !!! ]
But, we can be BOUGHT
But we are not taking your Basic "Pizza and Beer" Prices here.
Just A Thought.