A question on the performance impact of Raid 1. I realize up front
that I might have too little info for a perfect decision... so I will
take whatever input I can get on performance and configuration.
I have an Asus P4P800SE circa 2004 mobo with a 3.0G CPU which runs
win2003 Server as a SOHO file server. The load on it is light with
just one or two users and not a lot of concurrent access or large
files. It has an ICH5R Southbridge Controller supporting RAID 0 / 1 on
the 150 SATA drives. The two hard drives are matching SATA 5400 RPM
80gb 13ms/14ms Read/Write.
1. How much of a performance impact will it be to have RAID 1 setup
and then writing to both drives?
2. The mobo instructions take me through using the BIOS to write RAID
info to the drives. They also discuss removing RAID info;
a. Does this mean that in the event the mobo crashes that I would
need to have another mobo with the same RAID controller on it to use
the drives or remove the RAID info? Would I be able to access the
drive in a another non-RAID machine as pure SATA in the event of a
mobo failure?
b. Does the process of writing or removing the RAID info affect the
data and OS already on the drive? That is, if I write this info to a
drive already in use on the machine, do I have to start fresh or will
all the data be preserved?
3. The mobo instructions mention setting up a RAID driver on a floppy
for Windows to use when starting XP or Win2000. Will Win 2003 have the
controller built in or do I still need an external driver?
4. Anything else I should know about RAID before heading in this
direction? I'd rather not be saying "Doh!" after I finish
Thanks for any insight,
that I might have too little info for a perfect decision... so I will
take whatever input I can get on performance and configuration.
I have an Asus P4P800SE circa 2004 mobo with a 3.0G CPU which runs
win2003 Server as a SOHO file server. The load on it is light with
just one or two users and not a lot of concurrent access or large
files. It has an ICH5R Southbridge Controller supporting RAID 0 / 1 on
the 150 SATA drives. The two hard drives are matching SATA 5400 RPM
80gb 13ms/14ms Read/Write.
1. How much of a performance impact will it be to have RAID 1 setup
and then writing to both drives?
2. The mobo instructions take me through using the BIOS to write RAID
info to the drives. They also discuss removing RAID info;
a. Does this mean that in the event the mobo crashes that I would
need to have another mobo with the same RAID controller on it to use
the drives or remove the RAID info? Would I be able to access the
drive in a another non-RAID machine as pure SATA in the event of a
mobo failure?
b. Does the process of writing or removing the RAID info affect the
data and OS already on the drive? That is, if I write this info to a
drive already in use on the machine, do I have to start fresh or will
all the data be preserved?
3. The mobo instructions mention setting up a RAID driver on a floppy
for Windows to use when starting XP or Win2000. Will Win 2003 have the
controller built in or do I still need an external driver?
4. Anything else I should know about RAID before heading in this
direction? I'd rather not be saying "Doh!" after I finish

Thanks for any insight,