RAF Flypast today


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
The RAF is going to celebrate its 90th Anniversary with a flypast of Red Arrows and Typhoons today, beginning at 1300 hrs.

The aerobatics team will fly in formation with four Typhoons along the River Thames, past Canary Wharf and Tate Modern, to the London Eye.

Full BBC story here

That should be quite a sight :nod: :D
That will be a great sight to see :D Did any Londoners catch a glimpse?
Thanks TC!

It's a shame they couldn't do a really low-level flypast with one of the Typhoon's along the Thames :lol:
Yes, I bet it would be spectacular to see them "in the flesh" - their formations are always breathtaking. Did you see the other clip of the BBC's weathergirl (well one of them) on a flight with the Red Arrows. It was comical because she howled and screamed throughout the maneuvers :lol: I'll see if I can find the link again.

Edit: I've found it: :D HERE
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A few tight turns normally shuts people up on their first experience of RAF fast jets.
Seems her howling was probably more down to nerves & the odd quick g-force turns the pilot added in!
No doubt she will now be labelled a bit of a screamer by colleagues!!

Some nice shots of the Hawk aircraft though.
I really should have added that despite having a chuckle, I admire her courage... I don't think I'd be brave enough to try it :D
I had the pleasure of seeing the flypast as it went over NW London around 1pm - and as usual it was an excellent sight :thumb:

I've seen alot of these over the years, including meeting some of the Red Arrows when I was younger with my Dad when he was an RAF Fighter Pilot - they are a great asset that bring pleasure wherever they go :nod:
Adywebb said:
I've seen alot of these over the years, including meeting some of the Red Arrows when I was younger with my Dad when he was an RAF Fighter Pilot - they are a great asset that bring pleasure wherever they go

What did your Dad fly Ady? :)

I love seeing the Red Arrows - some of the stunts they do still amaze me :nod:
Lightnings, Hunters and Buccaneers mainly - his favorite was always the Hunter...........it gave him great pleasure to lead an RAF team flying the by now ageing Hunters, that beat the Yanks with their far newer Phantoms in a combat competition - they weren't too pleased :D