Radiobuttonlist, add new items problem

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I am trying to use a radiobuttonlist with the new multiview control. Am
having trouble understanding how to build the radiobuttonlsit just one time,
and not many times.

In my first view, I select from a list of items, then select "next". Of
course, this causes a postback, and displays the next view.

On this second view, I want to build a radiobuttonlist based on the
selection from the first view. This works fine...UNTIL, I go back to the
first view, change the inistial selection, and then proceed to view 2.

Now my rbl gets built again, BUT, the first items added to the rbl are
there, as well as the second group.

If I surround the code that builds the radio button with if (! IsPostBack),
then the list will not build, because the list is contained in view2...going
from view 1 to 2 causes a postback.

Is there a way to build this raiobutton list one time, based on the
selection from view 1?

Hope this makes sense...thanks,

Just to's the situation...

View 1
- user makes a selection, 1 thru 5
- go to view 2

View 2
- build a radiobuttonlist based on selection made in view 1
- go to view 3
- OR go back to view 1 and make a new selection

View 3
- continue...