
  • Thread starter Thread starter JonC
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JonC said the following on 10/6/2004 3:46 AM:
Can anyone help with a link to freeware internet radio software.

You can get Viddi Radio Player from

# Ad-free Internet Radio.
# Over 1250 pre tuned internet radio stations from all across the world
in one small program.
# Stream info such as artist and name of song and quality of stream.
# Direct linking to's database for more info about the
# Direct linking to the radio stations webpage.
# Add/remove your favourite web radio stations to your own personal
favorite list.
# Automatic database updating to prevent dead links. (just click the
about screen)
# Skin support, customize the look of the player the way you like.
# No browser required.
# And the best part ? It's all 100% FREE
personally, i'd just grab a copy of winamp and hit up
for all the 'internet' radio you can handle. :)

Foobar handles shoutcast too. I prefer it to winamp.
|3iff //ullins said:
personally, i'd just grab a copy of winamp and hit up
for all the 'internet' radio you can handle. :)

Second this idea. WinAmp and Shoutcast are great!
Jim Daniel
Foobar handles shoutcast too. I prefer it to winamp.
well there ya go then! choice is a wonderful thing, innit? ;)

i have foobar and toy with it on occasion. i think the kernel
streaming is nifty... i've toyed with plently of other players too,
but to me winamp has always seemed to be the best so i always revert
back to it.

Nyy lbh unir gb qb gb frr gur npphenpl bs zl gurfvf vf ybbx nebhaq
lbh. Ybbx, va cnegvphyne, ng gur crbcyr jub, yvxr lbh, ner znxvat
nirentr vapbzrf sbe qbvat nirentr wbof -- onax ivpr cerfvqragf,
vafhenapr fnyrfzna, nhqvgbef, frpergnevrf bs qrsrafr -- naq lbh'yy
ernyvmr gurl nyy qerff gur fnzr jnl, rffragvnyyl gur jnl gur
znaardhvaf va gur Frnef zrafjrne qrcnegzrag qerff. Abj ybbx ng gur
erny fhpprffrf, gur crbcyr jub znxr n ybg zber zbarl guna lbh -- Rygba
Wbua, Pncgnva Xnatnebb, nalobql sebz Fnhqv Nenovn, Ovt Oveq, naq fb
ba. Gurl nyy qerff shaal -- naq gurl nyy fhpprrq. Ner lbh pngpuvat
ba? -- Qnir Oneel, "Ubj gb Qerff sbe Erny Fhpprff"