Hi Guys; I am a newbie to Visual basic 2008 but ok with access.
I have a form that I have a group box of radio buttons in. They are
"workstarted" "Work contractors" "Awaitingapproval" and "Workcompleted"
What I want to do is when one of the buttons is selected it writes something
to the jobnumbers table and then I can filter the selection for other
requirements, If another button is selected it deletes the original selection
and writes the new selection to the table.
It’s easy on access but I am struggling with VB.
The second item is a combobox that calls fields from a query and they are
"firstName" "lastname" "Address". And when the drop down occurs in the combo
box it only show one of the field, how do I make it show the 3 fields easily.
Sorry if the questions are a bit basic
many Thanks
I have a form that I have a group box of radio buttons in. They are
"workstarted" "Work contractors" "Awaitingapproval" and "Workcompleted"
What I want to do is when one of the buttons is selected it writes something
to the jobnumbers table and then I can filter the selection for other
requirements, If another button is selected it deletes the original selection
and writes the new selection to the table.
It’s easy on access but I am struggling with VB.
The second item is a combobox that calls fields from a query and they are
"firstName" "lastname" "Address". And when the drop down occurs in the combo
box it only show one of the field, how do I make it show the 3 fields easily.
Sorry if the questions are a bit basic
many Thanks