Big Chris
Hi all!
Just a niggling little thing that I can't seem to resolve....
I have a userform which is easily completed using just keystrokes an
tabbing from box to box. However, when I come to where the user has t
select one out of two radio buttons I can't get the non-default one t
select using only keystrokes.
I can tab onto that radio button, but I can't select it withou
resorting to using the mouse which slows down the input process.
Any ideas please?
Many thanks
Just a niggling little thing that I can't seem to resolve....
I have a userform which is easily completed using just keystrokes an
tabbing from box to box. However, when I come to where the user has t
select one out of two radio buttons I can't get the non-default one t
select using only keystrokes.
I can tab onto that radio button, but I can't select it withou
resorting to using the mouse which slows down the input process.
Any ideas please?
Many thanks