Radio Button Selection in UserForms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Big Chris
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Big Chris

Hi all!

Just a niggling little thing that I can't seem to resolve....

I have a userform which is easily completed using just keystrokes an
tabbing from box to box. However, when I come to where the user has t
select one out of two radio buttons I can't get the non-default one t
select using only keystrokes.
I can tab onto that radio button, but I can't select it withou
resorting to using the mouse which slows down the input process.

Any ideas please?

Many thanks

The space bar will do it.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Setting an Accelerator in the Properties for the option button will also do
it. E.g., setting an accelerator of 1 for OptionButton1, will put an
underline under the 1 and make it so when you press Alt-1 in your form it
will enable that button.


Thanks Guys!!

I can't believe it was that easy....doh!

I appreciate your time.
