I have an AIW 7200.
I have many times attempted to capture VHS VCR recordings for ultimate
archive to DVD.
The problem that i have is that, despite the recordings being from
terrestrial broadcasts and hence having no Macrovision present, the AIW has
kicked in its copy-protection ( flash bright / dim etc etc ) and hence i
have been unable
to use this card for VHS video capture, which is why it was bought
(This on different recordings on different VHS decks, both rec and pb)
So, before i buy a newer ATI AIW or VIVO, does anyone know if the newer
cards are
less fussy ( macrovision wise ) than the older generation , or am i wasting
my time and
money getting a newer one on the vain hope that they will work as required ?
I have many times attempted to capture VHS VCR recordings for ultimate
archive to DVD.
The problem that i have is that, despite the recordings being from
terrestrial broadcasts and hence having no Macrovision present, the AIW has
kicked in its copy-protection ( flash bright / dim etc etc ) and hence i
have been unable
to use this card for VHS video capture, which is why it was bought

(This on different recordings on different VHS decks, both rec and pb)
So, before i buy a newer ATI AIW or VIVO, does anyone know if the newer
cards are
less fussy ( macrovision wise ) than the older generation , or am i wasting
my time and
money getting a newer one on the vain hope that they will work as required ?