John DeGroof
I sent my Radeon DDR32 in for warranty repair - the fan died. They
sent me a 7000 back. After argueing for 40 minutes with customer
service, I finally got to talk to a manager. My request was simple -
send me the same model I sent in. Instead, the mananger even argued
that the 7000 was a better card, because it was 2.5 years newer.
Now, from what I've been able to research from reviews on the web, the
7000 is just a renamed VE, and is a cost reduced part. The DDR32 used
the 7200 GPU, which has 2 texure rendering pipelines (the 7000 only
has one), and has the "Charisma Engine" for T&L/transformation,
clipping, and lighting (the 7000 lacks this).
I'm pushing the issue, and want a DDR32 - I sent in a DDR32 and I
expect a DDR32 in return. Anyone have any comments?
sent me a 7000 back. After argueing for 40 minutes with customer
service, I finally got to talk to a manager. My request was simple -
send me the same model I sent in. Instead, the mananger even argued
that the 7000 was a better card, because it was 2.5 years newer.
Now, from what I've been able to research from reviews on the web, the
7000 is just a renamed VE, and is a cost reduced part. The DDR32 used
the 7200 GPU, which has 2 texure rendering pipelines (the 7000 only
has one), and has the "Charisma Engine" for T&L/transformation,
clipping, and lighting (the 7000 lacks this).
I'm pushing the issue, and want a DDR32 - I sent in a DDR32 and I
expect a DDR32 in return. Anyone have any comments?